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Acts of Evangelism

A list of volunteer activities that spread light in the world

Below are opportunities, ranging from writing letters to prisoners to street evangelization, that anyone can do to extend charity to others.

Image by Milad Fakurian

Write To Persecuted Christian Prisoners

Did you know that you can write letters to dozens of Christians who were imprisoned for their faith, in places such as China, North Korea, Africa, Iran, and Central Asia? This resource below makes the letter writing process easy to get started. Think about how your letter could inspire a brother or sister in faith.

City Street

St. Paul Street Evangelization

"St. Paul Street Evangelization is a grassroots, non-profit organization, dedicated to responding to the mandate of Jesus to preach the Gospel to all nations by taking the Catholic Faith to the streets."

Korean Temple

Voice of the Martyrs Korea

"From translating resources to recording radio broadcasts to preparing meals with North Korean defectors, there are many things you can do at Voice of the Martyrs Korea to serve the persecuted church around the world!"

Image by Markus Spiske

Letters to Prisoners

Extend charity to those most in need.

Write a Prisoner makes it easy to write letters to a prisoner of your choosing. They handle all of the handling. You just have to focus on writing.

Fast, easy, but very rewarding!

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