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Providing Talent for the Augustine Institute's Amen App

This story started because of a misunderstanding...

When we were just starting out, I AM Catholic, our parent company, reached out and had set up a call with the Augustine Institute to discuss providing our future content onto Formed or the Amen App, a Catholic prayer and audio app.

Their audio specialist went into the call thinking we had content ready to deliver, but quickly found out we had not started on those projects just yet.

However, God made the best of this chance opportunity.

The friendly audio specialist, after learning about our mission of bringing together hundreds of Catholic creators, asked if we knew any Catholic voice actors, musicians, or audio engineers.

Within a few days, we later sent an email with 11 curated contacts that could help out their mission.

3 months later, we were glad to receive an update email about how one of our creators was hired and that they were interested in our help in the future— connecting their organization with great Catholic talent.

Let us connect you with great talent, or help you find work! Give us a call today.

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